Det svenska progressiva hårdrocksbandet Ended bildades i Alingsås 2014 av tvillingbröderna Lars (gitarr/sång) och Björn (bas) Granat tillsammans med trummisen David Källberg och gitarristen Peter Janflod. De tre första är barndomsvänner som innan Ended spelade tillsammans i banden Artocreatis och Slave Halo. Efter bildandet av Ended inleddes snabbt arbetet på debutalbumet "About To Fall", som släpptes senare samma år. Då stod Lars Granat för både sång och gitarrspel. 2016 rekryterade bandet istället Micky Bergqvist som sångare. Lars kunde då helt koncentrera sig på gitarrspelandet och låtskriveriet. 2017 släppte Ended sitt andra album "Five Eyes", den här gången via det italiensiska skivbolaget Sliptrick Records. Bandet fick i samband med det göra några större spelningar, bland annat en spelning som förband åt Mustasch. Under pandemin spelade Ended in sitt tredje album "Into The Nothing", som de i februari 2023 släppte på det svenska skivbolaget Melodic Passion. Albumet fick ett varmt mottagande och fina recensioner. Bland annat gav Sweden Rock Magazine dem 7 av 10 i betyg. Under våren 2024 har Ended även hunnit delta i Nestors talangtävling Nestor Next där de imponerade och tog sig hela vägen till final. På Light The Dark är det därför ett taggat Ended vi får möta.
The Swedish progressive hard rock band Ended was formed in Alingsås in 2014 by twin brothers Lars (guitar/vocals) and Björn (bass) Granat together with drummer David Källberg and guitarist Peter Janflod. The first three are childhood friends who before Ended played together in the bands Artocreatis and Slave Halo. After the formation of Ended, work quickly began on the debut album "About To Fall", which was released later that year. Then Lars Granat was responsible for both vocals and guitar playing. In 2016, the band instead recruited Micky Bergqvist as singer. Lars could then completely concentrate on playing the guitar and writing songs. In 2017, Ended released their second album "Five Eyes", this time via Italian label Sliptrick Records. In connection with that, the band did some bigger gigs, including a gig were they opened for Mustasch. During the pandemic, Ended recorded their third album "Into The Nothing", which they released in February 2023 on the Swedish record company Melodic Passion. The album received a warm reception and great reviews. Among other things, Sweden Rock Magazine gave them a rating of 7 out of 10. During the spring of 2024, Ended also had time to participate in Nestor's talent competition Nestor Next, where they impressed and made it all the way to the final. On Light The Dark it is therefore a tagged Ended that we get to meet.
Micky Bergqvist - lead vocals
Björn Granat - bass
Lars Granat - guitars, vocals
David Källberg - drums
Peter Janflod - guitars