Light The Dark is organized by Noizegate Productions. Noizegate Productions is a Norrköping-based production company run by Rickard Bransell. In addition to organizing Light The Dark, Noizegate Productions has produced and published the music magazine Noizegate Music for over 25 years. Noizegate Productions has also arranged a series of concerts and festivals. Among other things, a Christmas concert with Doug Seegers, a gospel concert with Elvis Presley's Swedish pianist Per-Erik Hallin, and Bobfest's reunion festival in March 2024. Noizegate Productions has also worked with freelance journalism, photography, graphic production and digital printing.

If you want to support the work with the festival financially, you can make a contribution via Paypal, Swish or via Plusgiro payment. Mark the payment with:
"Gift for Light The Dark".
Account number: 159 85 84-9
IBAN: SE19 9500 0099 6018 1598 5849